WALK ON Therapeutic
Riding Programs, Inc.
Est. 2001

1469 County Road J
River Falls, WI 54022

A big thank you to Faith Works members of the Village Church of Baldwin and the First Reformed Church of Baldwin for their incredible participation and hard work in getting Walk On Equestrian Center cleaned up and in shape for the re-accreditation and the Fall riding season. Over 25 people showed up on August 2nd and 3rd to make this happen. THANK YOU! See Photos for their completed work.

First National Bank 5K Wellness Run
Walk On Therapeutic Riding Programs, Inc., along with the River Falls Park and Recreation Department were the 2014 benefactor of the First National Bank 5K Wellness Run held in September. Walk On was nominated and chosen by the bank as an outstanding community program serving River Falls and surrounding area. Numerous riders and volunteers, along with their families and friends, participated in the 5K Wellness Run/Walk/Roll/Stroll. It proved to be highly successful and a wonderful time while being engaged with local Community Programming.

Tri-Angels 5k Fun Run

Successful Food Drive

Caption from the River Falls Journal (11/29/12): Several riders from the Walk-On Therapeutic Riding School helped deliver 256 pounds of food to the River Falls Community Food Pantry on Saturday, Nov. 17, bringing the food in a horse-drawn buggy. Walk On owner-operator Ken Giske – pictured driving the buggy – said the group loaded it in town then drove it a short way to the food pantry, with some people riding in the buggy, some walking along with it and some driving their cars to meet the group. Riders, their families and volunteers all helped collect the food over a five-week period, hoping to help out the food pantry during a high-demand time of year. Walk-On provides services for kids with mental and physical disabilities. Horseback riding provides not only their confidence but also the kids’ social, emotional and physical skills and health. The Giskes – Ken and his late wife, Katy – are well-known area “horse people” who established the riding school in 2001 at their town of Kinnickinnic property. Learn more about the program at its web site: www.walkontherapeuticriding.org. Call the school at 715-425-2025 or e-mail at walkon@usfamily. net.
A BIG Thank You to all that participated in the 2013 Fall Fling on September 22nd. It was a great day and full of a variety of events. Thanks to all in the “Pasture Poop Bingo”, Pony Rides, Silent Auction, Horse Drawn Wagon Rides, Vendors, and the entertainment. With all your help, Walk ON was able to raise a little more $50than00!

L to R: Ken Giske- Allina, Flora, Laura Blabac- Allina, Kris Anderson- Allina,
Mary Suemnick- Allina, Shauna Pearson- Health East, Linann Pearson- Health East
Willow River Trail Riding: Thank you to the members of the Willow River Trail Riders, as part of their Fall Roundup, for making a fun and enjoyable day of trail riding for the riders of Walk On . With their help, Walk On Riders were able to ride some of the trails at the Eau Galle Recreational Area near Spring Valley, WI on Sunday, September 16, 2012. It was a fun day for the riders to ride their favorite horse on the trails and to enjoy a wonderful cowboy lunch back at the campground. In addition, the Willow River Saddle club had various fund raising opportunities for their members throughout the Fall Round Up weekend and a portion of those funds were donated to Walk On. THANKS TO ALL THE FOLKS THAT MADE THIS POSSIBLE.

Stall Cleaning and Maintenance: Sheri Kleist, Diane Thomas, Shauna Pearson, Liann Pearson, Slim Ray, Bob and Jayne Bradford, Paige Giske, Judith Hanson Jorgenson, Jim and Shirley Anderson.
Fall Campaign Fund produced over $2,000. This money went to supply feed, vet care, and farrier care to the horses. MORE is needed.
Wrisky Ranch, Prescott, for their Fall Fund Raiser which
Walk On was the beneficiary.
The outdoor arena was enlarged and fence posts set to have the remainder of the fencing completed this spring. We are looking to use the outdoor arena more often with additional programming this year. Thank you to the following people who assisted: Bruce Larson for his assistance with the surveying for proper and exact placement of the new posts, Mark Gehl for his time and use of his skidsteer to drill the holes for the posts, Steve Bjerstedt and Tom Gallagher for assisting with setting the fence posts.
This fall, my brother Ray and myself planted nearly 100 spring flower bulbs in Katy’s Garden in front of the barn. Hopefully our green thumb will be as good as Katy’s was. We will find out in a couple of months.
Gene Anderle for the donation of bags of oats for the horses.
Someone dropped off a new small child saddle and winter horse blanket. Someone dropped off a box of apples for the horses.
Kirby Symes, Katy’s dad, for his work on making stall signs for the horses.
All those that attended the Reorganizational Meeting to hear ideas
and future plans for Walk On.
The Gypsy Road Saloon Bike Run on July 23, 2011 was effected by the rain. Several bikers made the trip. Thank you to all of them that dodged the rain storms. It was a great way to get Walk On's name out there!
The 2009 Open House was a HUGE Success! A BIG THANK YOU...
To all of the volunteers for the many hours of work.
To all the individuals and companies who donated their goods and services.
To the vendors for their participation.
To the bands for their music and entertainment.
To Ken and Katy for all of the planning, organizing, and work it took
make this day so successful.
And to everyone who came, we hope you enjoyed the day.